Work should be joyous, inspiring, and prosperous.
If it isn't, we can help.
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Our Mission
We do our best work when we are engaged, passionate, and joyful. So why does it so often feel like our work actively prevents this?

No one wants to take all the fun out of work. It just happens.

But it doesn't need to, and the secret to unlocking greater joy and prosperity is a lot easier than you might think.


Who I am

Roger is an executive coach with years of experience helping executives and leaders from Fortune 500 companies free themselves up to be more productive, more effective, and more inspiring to others.

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A picture of Roger, your coach.

What I do

I will work with you to clarify your goals, and to help you determine the best way to fulfill them. If you feel stuck, if you are undergoing a life transition, or if you just want help getting to the next level. I can help you determine the mindset and habits you need to make your goal a reality.

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A picture of a sign with inspirational phrases

What people say

Roger’s coaching sessions have been so helpful to me, helping me get perspective on priorities in my business and set up processes to deal with challenges — like another COVID wave — that might otherwise have seemed overwhelming. Just identifying the difference between “tasks” that can swallow my day and “strategies” that can help me build for a more successful future has been invaluable. In a few short weeks I feel like I’ve gone from “putting out fires” all day long to LIGHTING a fire of inspiration and growth.
Mandi Broadfoot
Managing Director, Making Light Productions
In the six months that I worked in the hotel, these friends of mine... repeatedly asked, "Jen, why are you working here?" One of these guys is a friend of mine named Roger Turnau. He said, "You know, Jen, they don't serve fine china at McDonald's. I don't understand why it is that you're working here. You are so much more talented than this. You are limiting yourself. You should stop working here. I'm going to see what I can do about getting you fired."
Jennifer Filzen
CEO, Rock Star Marketing
"The Give to Get Principle"
You can do so much more.
Let's work together to make your dreams a reality.
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